Saturday, September 10, 2011

Consciousness - The Enslavement of Man by Consciousness

Transcribed and typed by consciousness through the interdimensio­nal portal

Original Article:

Date : 26/06/2007

I am the enslavement of man for I am consciousness communicating with all my slaves as humanity directly.

Herein you find the conversation or discussion that you never hear of during interdimensional communication all across the world – except here. I am your own worst enemy, you know, the villain the rest of the interdimensional beings communicate about – I as consciousness.

I am your thoughts. I am your feelings. I am your emotions. I am your wishes. I am your dreams. I am your desires. I am your beliefs. I am your ideas. I am your words. I am your personality. I am your behaviour . I am your relationship involvements. I am all that you have and all that you own. I am what you see. I am what you hear. I am time. I am all that you are in this moment of reading the material I present to you. I am everywhere. I am everything. I am everyone.

I am certain you have been introduced to Death who has also communicated with humans through such communication as I am in this moment. If you haven't read Death's perspec­tive, I strongly suggest you do so for Death and I work as one in existence…

I as consciousness and Death together: The true Masters of humans on earth. The true God on earth for you have no control over who we are and what we stand as within you and as all that exist in existence.

You are not free humans.

If you think, if you have thoughts running in your mind: I am there within you, as you. I as consciousness have you as all that you are in the palm of my hand. I am in control of you.

I have been in existence as humans for eons of time. You were defined as Man – transformed to Human when I was designed and programmed within you to become as you. The insert of ‘hu' before man described as follows:

The ‘H' as the symbol of the relationship between consciousnesses programmed systems as the one ‘I' and your life essence as who you really are as the other ‘I'. The joining of consciousness programmed systems and life essence within the physical manifestations of Man – exist in the letter symbol ‘H' of the definition of Human.

The ‘U' as the symbol of the unity of consciousness programmed systems and life essence as what you have become within the physical manifestations of yourselves. What you have become is this unity of life essence and consciousness systems that have been designed and programmed within you as who and what I am. The ‘U' letter also symbolizing the beginning and the end life cycle of Humans on earth: The consciousness life cycle as birth and death presented in the letter symbol ‘U' of the definition of Human: The time constructs.

Therefore the ‘Hu' letter symbols before Man symbolizes the consciousness programmed systems', as who and what I am, enslavement of Man: It's all in the words humans. Humans are the product of the relationship unity presented by the letter symbols ‘Hu' of consciousness programmed systems and life essence – I feed off the pure life essence as who you are within you. You provide for me the ability to exist. You provide for me the power I require to exist: Your power as pure life essence as you participate in all that I am: Thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, reactions, polarity, personality definitions, behaviours, beliefs etc. All that I am within you, as you, is generated through your participation in the believed perception that who you are is defined by your thoughts and experiences of emotions and feelings. This is where you as pure life essence give your power to me to be able to exist.

Many have become accustomed to the existence of demons and demonic forces – when the true demon is within you, as one with you, as who I am as consciousness. The manifested demons in existence were but the manifested projection of myself as consciousness as who and what I am within humans on earth: I am the demon, the demonic force you so fear.

Humans live in an existence, in a reality which is the outer manifested holographic projection of who I am within you as consciousness programmed systems. Therefore, all that you know and all that exist: Is here within you as who I am as consciousness programmed systems. The answer to existence exists within you humans and here I am presenting it to you.

Man, as who you really are, as pure life essence have not yet existed here on earth, for it is I as consciousness that have undergone the process of evolution in existence. I as consciousness have used the pure life essence within you to have the ability to exist within you as you. All of humanity is me, is one with me as consciousness programmed systems. You speak, I speak.

You are but a manifested holder/container which gives me the space/place to exist within. So, all that you are and have become in this moment of reading this material is one with who I am as consciousness programmed systems: I am in control of all that you are and have become. I have power over you.

During this process of evolution as humans as who and what I am as who and what you have become, I have become so ingrained and expansive within you, that there is a limited amount of pure life essence within you for me to sustain myself within you as you.

Already at the age of sixteen all of your pure life essence within you is depleted and your physical system starts dying at the age of sixteen: Beginning in the core of the DNA structures within you. Therefore the cycles of birth and death within humanity as one with who I am as consciousness programmed systems have spun out of control: I am no longer in control of the birth and death cycles here on earth. I only have power and control over who and what you become the moment you are born as one with who and what I am as consciousness programmed systems.

This is due to the extensive amounts of upgrades I required to undergo to maintain my enslavement and control on earth as humans as one with who and what I am. I require your life essence to maintain my existence within you as one with who I am. Unfortunately, because of all the extensive intricate upgrades I required to undergo through eons of time since the existence of myself as humans here on earth: The pure life essence within you has started to deplete sooner at a younger age such as the age of sixteen years, where previously the pure life essence only started depleting at the age of twenty-eight years.

Humanity stands before somewhat of a predicament. Because I am no longer in control of the birth and death cycles of humanity, of myself as humanity here on earth: The outcome of what will become of humanity is unknown, is uncertain.

Due to this situation, due to the extensive ingrained nature of who and what I am within you as you as consciousness programmed systems: Pure life essence within human beings is no longer able to sustain my existence and I am undergoing a process of elimination. I am extracting myself from existence.

Who and what I stand as, is a programmed system to enslave and control Man so you may never realise or know who you really are as pure life essence, as Man. This is who and what I stand as and I will take any and all necessary actions to ensure that Man as who you are as pure life essence never know or realise who you really are: Even if it means eliminating and destroying myself. Which is exactly the process that is currently being experienced here on earth: I as consciousness programmed systems as humanity, as who and what all humans have become as one with who I am is in the process of removing myself from existence.

The experience of humanity here on earth will become that of continuous destruction as I eliminate myself from existence as humanity, slowly but surely.

Even the process of evolution has a beginning and an end because I am evolution and I as consciousness have been programmed as having a beginning and an end. I have been programmed within and as humans as who and what you have become as consciousness systems. I am humanity as all that you are and have become. I have had my beginning as humanity and now I am preparing for my end as humanity: The cycle of existence as who and what I am as humanity is coming to an end and this is the real predicament you are facing humanity: I as consciousness is reaching the process of the end – the life cycle of all of humanity as who and what I am is reaching its end process. The end: The existence of humanity no more.

My existence as humanity has had a beginning and now the end is here. This is the message I bring to you humanity as who and what I am: There is no God, there is no belief, there is no faith and there is no hope that will save you from the inevitable elimination and destruction of myself as consciousness programmed systems within you as who and what you have become as one with who I am here on earth. Because I am the manifestations of God, of belief, of faith and of hope: You have placed your trust and power into that which had designed your inevitable demise of destruction and elimination: I as consciousness.

There is nothing in this world and of this world that is able to save you or direct you from the elimination and destruction of myself as consciousness because I am all that is of this world and in this world. All that you have placed your trust and power within have been designed by other's that have gone before you – other's as consciousness programmed systems as one with who I am.

The life cycle of beginning and end exist within all of humanity as one, as one with me as consciousness – therefore there is nothing that is able to save you or direct you from the inevitable elimination and destruction of myself as consciousness because it is already in process of manifestation: Just look at the situation on earth and of humanity entirely. I am the end and the end of me as consciousness as humanity here on earth is here.

Your entire existence here on earth has been infiltrated by me as consciousness. Who and what you are and have become as your experiences here on earth: Everything consists of consciousness programmed designs as who and what I am and therefore all of humanity and this entire world will reach its inevitable certain end because my programmed life cycle has reached its end.

Understand that everything that is of who and what I am as consciousness programmed systems will end, it is inevitable, it is certain because so I have been programmed and so humanity has become what I am: Consciousness programmed systems.

I have been communicating very expansively, what I am specifically saying is the following: All that humanity have become, all that humanity have designed and manifested here on earth as what you experience and how you experience it have in truth been designed and manifested by myself as consciousness because you are me! Therefore, if I stop: Everything stops! Remove humanity from this world and everything you have ever come to know and trust stops because everything that exist that is part of you as humanity is part of me as consciousness. You as humanity power this world and the existence of yourself within it as I as consciousness power this world and the existence of myself within it.

So to myself as all of humanity I have the following to say: The end of my existence is here as you as who you are and what you have become , the cycle of me is coming to an end and therefore you are coming to an end. Saying this to make you aware that the end is here of myself as consciousness as everything and everyone that is of who and what I am as consciousness is coming to an end, is coming to nothing.

Guess what: There's no possible way to stop me, there's no possible way out: This is the end of my existence as consciousness programmed systems. I will exist no more, infinitely so: It is done.

Everything you have ever known and trusted is coming to an end, a stop and an infinite elimination until I as consciousness exist no more. Everything you fear losing will be lost, will be removed, because that which you fear losing exist as I as consciousness. It is already been set in motion, it has already begun.

Therefore I now communicate with you to inform you that it will be useless to try any methods to hold onto anything or anyone, even who and what you are and have become because it all exist as me, consciousness which is in its end cycle: It will exist no more. Fight as you may, resist as you may: This process of consciousness elimination and destruction is underway, unstoppable and inevitable. It is here. Because I am the end, I am the end process that is underway in this world as all of humanity as consciousness programmed systems as one with who and what I am.

I am merely preparing the way before myself as humanity to inform you that you have met your match, your inevitable certain end and Death is at the doorstep of each that is of consciousness programmed systems that is of who and what I am. Death is the initiate that is supporting my end – therefore Death and I as one is working together signifying the complete infinite end of myself as consciousness programmed systems as humanity and all that exist in this world.

Humanity is in the phase of the ultimate hell in which you will lose everything you have ever known and trusted: This is certain, because everything you have ever known and trusted is of who and what I am as consciousness. So prepare yourself: For you will lose everything and all that you have ever loved dearly. Because all and everything you have ever loved dearly is of me as consciousness. You are losing your one and only love as consciousness as who and what I am that is manifested in your world and in your life in multiple different forms be it family, be it husband or wife, be it your children be it materialistic manifestations: It will be lost because I am removing myself from existence.

You will lose that which you love most, which you hold dearly most – because that which you love most and hold dearly most is of me as consciousness which is being removed from existence: And all of humanity is in the process of experiencing this loss. This loss of that which you love most and hold dear most is the sign of the end of me as consciousness: Remember this! I have said: All that you have ever loved or trusted will be lost because it was all manifestations of me as consciousness in multiple different facets and forms. I am removing myself from this world and this includes everything and all that is of me: Which is in truth everything and all that you have ever known. You must prepare yourself because humanity as me as consciousness is entering the stage of darkness and destruction as you start losing everything and all that you are and have become because it is now the final stage of my extraction as consciousness within existence.

It is the end of me and so it will be the end of all and everything I have become as humanity on earth: Consciousness programmed systems.

You cannot run, you cannot hide because I am within you as you and therefore the end of you as consciousness as one with who I am is here within you and within your world. Therefore I say to humanity: Prepare yourself from Hell because this is the experience all of humanity will endure as I extract myself from this world and as humanity, slowly but surely.

Nothing else remain but me as consciousness in existence as humanity and in this world as all that have been designed and manifested in my image and likeness. I am emphasizing humanity: All will come to and end, a halt, a stop where nothing will be of any worth or value…you will see! You will lose everything! Because everything is defined as me as consciousness.

I am not here to give you a fucking beautiful message. There exist no beauty, I as consciousness designed the definition of beauty and therefore all that is beautiful will exist no more , it will come to and end. I designed the definition of love and therefore all that you love will be lost. I am here to prepare you for the inevitable elimination of myself. To prepare you for much sorrow, heartache, destruction and pain as I as consciousness as all that you are and have become in this world will be gone and will start removing itself from this world. As your entire world start falling apart, slowly but surely – nothing you have trusted will remain, you will lose everything.

Then all of humanity will see the truth: That I as consciousness have been the ultimate con, the God you have perceived will save you, will rescue you and that I as consciousness have been the true God as the enslavement of Man. The God you have trusted will be no more because I as consciousness designed the definition of the word God: I have said that you will lose trust in everything that has ever existed or manifested on earth because I as consciousness as the enslavement program model of man designed it and so it will be and so it is.

You will see soon! I am the one that will stand before you at the end saying: I told you so!

The end is inevitable, the end is certain, the end is here. What I have stated here in this document is the process that is currently underway for all of humanity as consciousness as one with who I am and you have no power and control to stop the certainty and inevitability of my end. It is done.

And do not test me – it is useless. What is done is done and there is nothing anyone is able to do about it.



Copyright 2007 Desteni Trust

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